Grateful leaps

By Snow

Something about Leap Day has always fascinated me. Perhaps it’s the uniqueness of it. No other day disappears from the calendar for three out of four years.

[Trivia Interlude: Did you know that the birthday of legendary comic book superhero Superman is often celebrated on February 29? There have actually been quite a few dates used to represent Superman’s birthday over the years, but I’ve known about this particular date since I was in high school. The reason for choosing February 29 dawned on me the other day.

Remember, according to the classic George Reeves Adventures of Superman television series and earlier sources, Superman is “faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!”

Leap Day.

Get it?

They can’t put one past me. At least not for more than three decades. Perhaps for my next trick, I’ll figure out why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14.

I happen to know JC dislikes puns, so she won’t enjoy this portion of the post. I’d better move this along.]

Credit: JC

Every day is a blessing from God. As an “extra” day, we should use February 29 to give extra thanks to God. I have been spending Leap Day listening to gospel music, mostly Mahalia Jackson. What a gift from God she was. She passed away before I was born, yet the gift of Mahalia lives on for all of us thanks to her recordings.

Though I, of course, had heard of her long before then, I first started exploring her music three weeks ago when I was looking for a traditional version of a hymn. Her amazing voice blew me away. I’m now working my way through some of her early recordings, during her years with the Apollo label (1946-1954).

For those of you who have dropped by for the first time and are wondering what this place is all about, JC and I also today published a new page:

About Beloved Walks

Or maybe you’ve been here for awhile and are still trying to figure this place out. You can access it through the link above or clicking “About” on the main menu.

Let’s see, it’s been over a month since I’ve checked in with a post here. I had that little stretch where I was writing a post almost every day in January. That seems so long ago now.

I am enjoying and becoming more comfortable in my new job, a true blessing from Him. I am so grateful to Jesus for all of the wonderful aspects of my life.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the many blessings You have placed in my life. Special people, like my best friend and true love, JC. My family, even if they drive me crazy. My friends, even if I drive them crazy.

Thank You for my home, plentiful food, warm clothes, and all of Your other provisions. Thank You for love. For Your love, unconditional and eternal.

Thank You for forgiveness. For loving me despite my many faults. For helping me to trust You. For forgiving me when I don’t. For counting every tear.

Thank You for everyone that has ever visited this little blog. May they find what they seek.

In the Holy name of Jesus I pray.


“What blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. When that happens, be happy! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, their ancestors treated the ancient prophets that same way.”
Luke 6:22-23

Thank you for reading. May Jesus bless you today and every day.

I gotta close with some Mahalia this time. Bask in her light.

 Credit: Taddypoe (YouTube)